Sunday, June 4th was full of tears, laughter and memories, as St. Francis said "So long for now" to our pastor, Jim Wiltbank. Through the nine years Jim has been here, he has led St. Francis through many changes - a new Celebration Center, housing refugees, and COVID 19 just to name a few. Jim and Joannie will be greatly missed, and our love and prayers go with them as we continue our journey's along different paths. Thank you Jim and Joannie, for everything.
Can St. Francis cook or can't we?!
A full house!
Joannie having trouble deciding what to eat - there's so much good stuff!
On behalf of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, I wish to thank everyone who pitched in to make the celebration of Pastor Jim's legacy at St. Francis and birthday a resounding success. So many people worked tirelessly behind the scenes over many weeks, and I want them to know they are appreciated and valued. We estimate 150 people attended this lovefest sending Jim and Joannie to the next chapter of their lives.
With deep gratitude,
Chuck Adams