Thank you God for who I am.
Thank you for You,
for all living beings,
for the love I feel that makes me live
every moment of my life with great joy,
helping me bring joy
to all that my life touches.
Thank you God for the opportunities I have every day
to express the best I have in me,
for being able to be of service to every person I meet.
Thank you God for the perfect peace I feel inside,
tranquility, serenity, Divine Quietness.
Thank you for everything I learn
from all I experience and all I create every day.
Thank you God for inspiring me,
for helping me create Heaven on Earth
now, and now, and now,
and in every moment I think, speak, and act.
Thank you God
for being who I am.
Thank you,
thank you,
thank you.
- Oscar Motomura
Director, Amana-Key, Brazil