Since St. Francis no longer has a Food Pantry, we have partnered with Interfaith Community Services to help stock theirs!
We just received word about their July Peanut Butter Party Food Drive, and I felt this was something we could definitely help with. The only problem is the late notification - but I'm sure we can rise above that!
Now, through July 31st, please bring 14 to 16 ounce jars of peanut butter (creamy or crunchy) to our Sunday services or to the church office during business hours (Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm). PLEASE DO NOT DONATE ANY AFTER JULY 31ST AS WE HAVE NO PLACE TO STORE IT.
On Tuesday, August 1st, we will need one volunteer, (preferably with a SUV or pickup) to deliver our accumulated peanut butter to the ICS Food Bank on Ina Road. If you can help with this, please contact me at mmitchell@stfrancisumc.org
As always, I thank you for your generosity and unfailing willingness to help people in need.