During the holiday season, Americans produce 25% more trash. You can do your part this year to change that.
Try fabric or reusable boxes for gift wrapping;
Use fabric ribbon (satin, yarn, twine), then save it for reuse;
When choosing gifts, think local, durable, and plastic-free.
Skip the mall, and search the farmer’s market.
Save money by browsing thrift stores for new and like-new gifts.
Let’s establish a mindset of caring for all creation as we plan our holiday celebrations.
Consider adding a commitment to think globally and act locally to your New Years resolutions.
One path of action is your shopping list. A shocking 90% of our meat is produced by transnational corporations, mainly on factory farms. Support local farmers, clean air and water, humane conditions, rural communities, and even your own health, by seeking out meat from a nearby rancher at a farmers market or localharvest.org
By eating out less often, it’s possible to make room in the food budget for high quality meat, eggs and poultry that align with one’s faith and values.