2025 Stewardship Campaign
Dear St. Francis Friends and Family,
In mid-October, you began hearing from our Pastor and members of our Finance Committee about our stewardship campaign for 2025 with the theme of All Creatures Great and Small. As with the many creatures that inhabit our planet, all gifts - great and small – contribute to the diversity of our world. Generosity spreads and grows, like ripples in water. Doing something generous for someone encourages them to do the same for others. We hope that you will carefully consider how much you might pledge to St. Francis in the Foothills for 2025 so that we can start the new year with a good idea of the resources we’ll have available to determine what we can give in turn, to the community. No amount is too small. Every bit makes a difference and encourages the ripples of love and caring to spread.
By making a pledge during our stewardship campaign, you’ll be giving us advance notice that we can count on you.
Pledges can be recorded online by filling out the online pledge card below or you can complete a paper pledge card that can be mailed to the office or placed in the offering bag or pledge card box in the Celebration Center.
As we begin this campaign, we will be using a new giving platform - Tithe.ly - which is already on our website and ready for use. If you have not already done so, please turn off any gifts you have on our current Easy Tithe platform, and sign up for Tithe.ly by going to our donation page and scrolling down "Welcome to Our New Giving Platform". Click on "sign up" and then follow the prompts. If you're not sure how to turn off your Easy Tithe giving, simply contact Melissa at the church office.
Lastly, if you designate a planned gift to St. Francis through your will or estate plan, please know that those gifts are deeply appreciated and that your legacy gift will foster our financial stability and allow us to fulfill our mission into the future.
With most grateful thanks,
St. Francis Finance Committee